Signals and functions in QML

/ 2014-12-30 19:21

Today when I was working on a small QML program, I ran into a very stupid bug. I used a Timer to make something happen after five seconds. So I did:

Timer {
    id: someTimer
    interval: 5000
    onTriggered: function() {
        // do something

and triggered the timer elsewhere using someTimer.start(). However, that did not work; the timer was never triggered for some reason.

Well, after about one hour and a half, and a lot of messing around with example code that ‘magically’ did work, I suddenly saw it. That function() is incorrect:

Timer {
    id: someTimer
    interval: 5000
    onTriggered: {
        // do something

which indeed fixed the issue. Sigh. I don’t even know why I put that there in the first place… Sometimes the most stupid bugs can keep you busy for hours.